Terms of Service

Last Updated: Saturday 24th February 2024

GigaCat terms of service, terms we, us or our refer to GigaCat or GigaCatMemes. By visiting this website or any other domains owned by us, that you are agreeing to these terms.

Section 1: Use of third party intellectual property

GigaCat, just like many other businesses, use third party intellectual property, like social media to leverage growth on our platforms. We use IP from companies like Google, TikTok (Bytedance), Meta etc. protected by fair use. On this website, all the icons you see are from Flaticon, a service that provides free customisable icons. Our logo, the GigaCat, although edited to grey theme, is not our IP and was taken online. If you or your business own the rights to the image, contact: arminas@gigacatmemes.com

Section 2: Using this website, or GigaCat owned domains and our services

It is recommended by us to use GigaCat websites and services if you are abvove the age of 13, although there are no restrictions in place for age. GigaCat has an application process for those who want to become a partner, such as completing a form. Whilst agreeing to these terms you also agree that you dont send unnecessary links, unsafe links such as phishing links, ransomware, or any illegal material. Additionally, you also agree not to send any spam applications, or send unrelated emails that consitute to harrassment or you will be blacklisted.